Yes, I read this on the toilet. The first two things I will accomplish today. I’m building up a body of work so I can slack off later.

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I just had a discussion with my shrink about exactly this. I said I think I've become addicted to Substack (which she isn't familiar with) but then I got really defensive and insistent about how it's the complete opposite of the cliché of addictive behavior because it's not "mindless," it's not "passive," it's not "escapist" — it's the opposite; I've been pulled into stuff like the tragedy of Marcellus Williams today, as well as countless important small-town and global issues and stories — and it's not "an escape from work" except in the most literal sense since I've brought writing problems here and had exactly the productive and commiserating discussions that I can't have IRL.

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Love this, Ginny!💕 As I often say, “There’s a fine line between efficiency and laziness.” We need boring time! That’s when our brains go to strange places.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

I enjoyed this post, full of humor and whimsy. But must take exception with #6. Reading a book or magazine whilst on the toilet is time well spent, both for the mind and for the bottom. The bathroom has always been my favorite room in the house, where there are no interruptions and one can do their best thinking whilst stinking.

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This is good writing. ..Excuse me for my English. I can read it well , I can’t write it well.

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